(論文がアクセプトされたら表示)Ohyanagi et al. (2015)
We plan to provide genome sequences of all genome types and species in the genus Oryza.
You can see SNP information of 446 O. rufipogon acc. against IRGSP1.0. Data source : imputed SNPs from 1〜2x depth short reads (Huang et al. 2012)
You can search effect of SNPs of Deep sequenced 33 O. rufipogon against IRGSP1.0 by RAP Gene ID, Keywords or Chromosome location. Data source : non-imputed homo SNPs from 10~ 20x depth short reads (Kanegae et al. submitted)
Genotype information (NGS short reads) for 217 Oryza accessions can be downloaded from here. SNP information for 33 O. rufipogon accession are also available.
2020-10-26 : 2.1 Released. 2018-10-05 : Update. 2018-03-22 : 2.0 Released.